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Flight Crowd x National Saturday Club Masterclass
Earlier this year, Flight Crowd ran a masterclass on Air Mobility Infrastructure in collaboration with National Saturday Club.
Mariya (Marsha) Ilina
3 min read

Flight Crowd celebrates our 2nd anniversary
Please bear with us as we update this page
Mariya Tarabanovska
1 min read

Fully Charged LIVE — Part II
In addition to curating the Future of Flight Zone at Fully Charged LIVE 2022, our team delivered a variety of interactive activities.
Mariya (Marsha) Ilina
3 min read

Fully Charged LIVE 2022 — Part I
This spring Flight Crowd were invited to curate the Future of Flight Zone at Fully Charged LIVE UK 2022 show.
Mariya (Marsha) Ilina
4 min read

Young Talent: Share Your Vision — Infrastructure
In December 2021, Flight Crowd held our first ‘Share Your Vision’ virtual workshop with a focus on Urban Air Mobility (UAM) infrastructure.
Mariya (Marsha) Ilina
2 min read

AIRTAXI World Congress 2021 — DAY 2
Following on from Day 1, the conference continued exploring the theme of public acceptance, as well as UAM’s environmental impact.
Mariya (Marsha) Ilina
3 min read

AIRTAXI World Congress 2021 — DAY 1
AIRTAXI World Congress 2021 brought together leading individuals and organisations shaping the air mobility ecosystem. We review Day 1.
Mariya Tarabanovska
4 min read

Interviewing Young Talent - Christian Grose
Following our outreach event that took place at Christian’s school, we are very excited to see how our initiatives inspire young talent!
Mariya Tarabanovska
3 min read

Rural Air Mobility – connecting rural areas with the World
Regional Air Mobility date back to the 1920s, when people in remote rural areas relied on air taxi services to connect them to the world.
Gary S Vermaak
5 min read

The STEM School Curriculum Part I: - Is it Time for a Change?
Between the ages 10-18 students, especially girls, tend to lose interest in STEM subjects. Naturally, the question arises: why is that?
Mariya (Marsha) Ilina
5 min read

The Environment's Outlook On Urbanisation Through Time: Part II
There is no one solution for the effects of urbanisation on the environment, but rather a series of solutions that must interconnect.
Nurina Sharmin and Mariya Ilina
4 min read

Why Be Passionate About UAM?
At the root of any technological advancement there is passion. We look at why some key UAM professionals chose this industry as their career
Mariya (Marsha) Ilina
3 min read

UAM Stakeholders: Lessons of the Past
Public acceptance has the power to lead an industry to new achieving new heights or failing it at its very inception...
Nurina Sharmin
5 min read

The Environment's Outlook On Urbanisation Through Time: Part I
New towns were settled, new businesses opened, and people sought after the ever-increasing rise in prosperity and a better quality of life.
Nurina Sharmin and Mariya Ilina
5 min read

UAM and Infrastructure: To build or not to build
What infrastructure is needed for Urban Air Mobility (UAM) mass-implementation and who is going to build it?
Mariya Tarabanovska
3 min read

UAM and Design: No one size fits all
While all UAM vehicles have different design features, is there a distinct solution that is set to be the winner of the race to market?
Mariya Tarabanovska
4 min read

COVID-19: The world we (will) live in
COVID-19 has transformed all areas of our lives, but what's ahead for Urban Air Mobility?
Mariya Tarabanovska
4 min read

UAM: What, where, why
We are looking at how did the Urban Air Mobility (UAM) industry start, where it is now and why should we care?
Mariya Tarabanovska
5 min read
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